Photos from the Alumni Weekend - 2007
Camp Tour, Dedication of the Staff Lounge (The Feldman), and Auction   -   [click on each picture for a larger version]
Alum 7-1
Alum 7-1 Alum 7-1
Jon Mackenzie and Jeff Feldan showing around some Council Members
Opening Lunch

Alum 7-1 Alum 7-5 Alum 7-6

Opening Lunch for the Alumni Weekend
The following group of pictures were taken at the Dedication Ceremony for the new Staff Lounge and Conference. A large contribution by the Jeff Feldman family enabled this triple-wide mobile office project to be completed.  Jeff is a former staff member and a Board Member of the Friends of Camp Whitsett (which also made a contribution to help furnish the Lounge and Conference Center).
The Staff has dubbed the new Staff Lounge as: The Feldman.
Alum 7-40
Exterior view of The Feldman
Alum 7-39
Slum 7-7 Alum 7-8
Alim 7-9
Alum 7-10
Staffmen covering the Plaque  Camp Director Clif Stewart and Jon Mackenzie addressing the crowd
A Young Attendee
Alum 7-11
Alum 7-12
Alum 7-13
Alum 7-14
Jeff Feldman addressing the attentive attendees, and the Council Executive talking as the Feldman Family looks on
Alum 7-15
Alum 7-16
Alum 7-17
Alum 7-18
Young Attendee Young Attendee with his Dad
Jeff Feldman uncovering the Dedication plaque
Alum 7-19
Thirsty boy - it was a HOT day

The next group of photos were taken inside the Feldman where the Attendees relaxed on the Bean Bags, enjoyed watching the Television & VCR that were part of a Friends of Camp Whitsett
contribution, and playing with some of the games and activities found there.
The annual auction took place inside the Lounge to raise money
for the annual Friends of Camp Whitsett camp contributions.

Alum 7-20
Alum 7-21
Alim 7-22
Alum 7-23
Alum 7-24
Alum 7-25
Alum 7-26
Alum 7-27

Auction buyers getting ready . . .
Alum 7-28
Alum 7-29                    
Alum 7-30
Alum 7-31
Alum 7-32
Staffmen Kyle helping with the auction by displaying & modeling some of the Auction items
A buyer celebrating his Auction win
Alum 7-33
Alum 7-34

FoCW Auction staff
Alum 7-35
                Alum 7-36
Alum 7-37
Alum 7-38
Payng their Auction bill
       FoCW Attendee family   - - -   Sleepy young Attendee   - - -   Attendee Dad & Sleepy Son

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